BERSERKER: HELL'S WARRIOR is an ultra-cheesy historical-action-science-fiction B-movie. That's a hell of a combination, and the fact that it was made in South Africa just adds to the whole weirdness of the thing. The DVD case sells this as a straightforward gritty historical war flick along the lines of the VIKINGS TV series but it turns out to be a thoroughly cheesy B-movie masquerading as such.
And, truth be told, it's a pretty poor show. The narrative attempts to invoke some Norse mythology involving Odin and the other gods but in the end this turns into an unholy cross between HIGHLANDER and the Hong Kong flick THE ICEMAN COMETH. The first half which is set in the Viking camp is by far the worst, committing the cardinal sin of being cheesy and boring at the same time, but things do improve a little in the second. Be warned, throughout the movie you'll be exposed to some of the poorest over-acting you'll see in a movie.
We're treated to the spectacle of a couple of warring brothers travelling to the present day where their battles continue. The CGI effects are pretty awful, it has to be said, and you wonder why the likes of Patrick Bergin and Kari Wuhrer are present, although at least the latter disrobes frequently to distract the viewer. There's a little gore thrown into the mix, along with the unwise decision to include some vampire stuff (as if it wasn't enough of a mixed bag to begin with), but overall the extremely poor production values make this one hell of a mess.