Buffo e Spallanzani is not a typical movie It's a fantastic story with an interesting theme and a great cast.First of all,we can't forget that the movie was based in one of my favorite novel ,conceived by Rubem Fonseca.The book which is called by the same name of the movie has a wonderfull message and you learn so many things with it!
The plot is well developed and it mix violence,sex and a certain humor tha t has on the novel.It's not a Stallone movie or a kind of `The Silence of the lambs',but it is different.The sory is about a murder or the suicide of Delfina Delamare who was found inside her car dead and by her side a book called `The lovers'(Os amantes) written by Gustavo Flavio.Now the inspector Guedes has to investigate Gustavo's life and the other suspects.We watch the life of Gustavo in most part of the movie not Guedes' investigations.
Then we follow to the past of Gustavo Flavio who used to work in a insurance health company as a detective whose dutty was to attest that their cliets were really dead!But he discovers that somebody cheatted them.Actually there is a frog named Buffo marinus which free a liquid that in the humans has the effect of catalepsy(you sleep for two days and there isn't a single sign of life in you) so somebody use this method to win the money of the insurance company.Cool,ahn!
I won't tell the rest because there are a lot of mistery behind everything and turnabout in the story.It's a pleasure to enter in Rubem Fonseca's world.The ending is the best part don't lose!
9 out of 10.