So many films these days try to be "cult" movies, while wasting large budgets and stupid story lines in order to get there. They should follow High Times Potluck's excellent example of how to get it right without breaking a sweat. All the actors were brilliant, the story was different class, and there is heaps of pot smoking which can only be a good thing in this day and age. One thing for sure, this story would never had worked if they had been using alcohol, coke, Prozac etc instead. A very funny and totally underrated film which I really hope will one day get the recognition it truly deserves. You can bet your bottom dollar that some sharp eyed big studio exec has probably got his/her eye on this movie, and will remake it in 5 years with a big budget and well known actors, and it will probably be pants. As far as I am concerned over the past year two of the best marijuana films of all time were released. Potluck of course was one of them, and Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. Buy the DVD, light up a big fat one, and enjoy one of the coolest and non stressful movies of the last few years. Enjoy!!!!