Man, I'd love to see a widescreen, cleaned up version of this baby! Martial arse mixed with extreme gore, non-stop action and hilarious dubbing? What's not to like (aside from all the crap involving snakes that seems to plague films from that neck of the woods).
Story? Peeps in Indonesia must take internal politics really seriously, because this guy has nicked some magic seeds off his Uncle that when eaten with food cause the victim to explode with plant life, gory style. This involves the actor's head sitting on some surface while twigs are pushed through a rubber body, but it also works really well as this is one of those film that, when someone is wounded, blood sprays from a hose (like Shogun Assassin!).
So, this guy is going to extreme lengths to be mayor, but his victims relatives are all arse-kicking heroes. Cue many fights with Barry Prima and the lady whose father was first to eat the seeds. At first I was put off by the bad transfer but around the half hour mark the film kicked into high gear and much action ensued.
You also get legs cuts off (I'm sure the severed limb had 'I love you' written on it), people impaled on sticks, bizarre comedy and a guy with loads of snakes dumped on his head, a rape scene, and rats being dumped on a woman. Those last three bits don't make for the best viewing however.
Still, you're not going to see something like this too often! I recommend it, but would love to see a cleaned up version.