This movie was created by the financial support of the Hungarian government as part of the various celebrations of 1000 years of Hungarian statehood. This is a very respectable act, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to create an enjoyable movie. This is indeed a pity, as it could have been a very memorable costume movie. The script is based on true events of XI. century Hungarian history: the story of King László I. whose coronation closed the long chaotic interregnum after István's (the founder of the state) death and consolidated Hungary's position as a strong Christian Kingdom in medieval Europe. This story is full of battles, politics, conspiracy, hate and love. It could have been the basis for a script as exciting and deep as a Shakespeare tragedy. Unfortunately the script-writer was not able to come up with anything usable: the script is extremely weak. So is the acting, although I don't want to blame the actors too much, as it is quite hard to act well in a story falling apart. It seems that the creators of this movie were concentrationg too much on celebrating and on telling us lessons, instead of creating a good movie.