CBS, never known for its understanding of or tolerance for fantasy shows, summarily dumped WOLF LAKE right after the crucial turning point of the murder of the town's patriarch (played by Bruce McGill).
Well, tonight UPN started running ads promoting WOLF LAKE, starting April 3rd. In the time slot after ENTERPRISE, formerly occupied by SPECIAL UNIT 2, the show might finally have a chance.
Hope so, as the overall plot is quite engaging and the individual episodes are clever as well. For example, Tim Matheson's Sheriff runs a lycanthropic version of Alcoholics Anonymous, in which people try to help each other overcome the urge to transform into wolves. Also, episodes vary in their treatment of the local werewolves. In many episodes they represent the bad guys, but in others we see things from their point of view, as they try to maintain their way of life against intruders. If the series does well on UPN, hopefully a second season will be commissioned. But even if this does not happen, at least we'll finally have a chance to see the entire 12 episode run.