the latest batch of hong kong movies that i have viewed cant compare to the old 80's/early 90's HK movies. take 2002 for example. there is an infinetly better movie in the genre called "Magic Cop" which was made in the eighties. it shat all over this average movie. the action was awesome, the comedy was spot on, and the characters were likeable, none of these new breed of long haired, pretty boy actors that are all dark and introspective. one of the most pathetic things about this movie was its attempts to imitate/brazenly rip off the style of the matrix, with its clothing and action scenes. there were so many huge gaps in the plot and the romance elements just slowed the whole movie down to a snail's pace, and they seemed like filler, especially fung's "friendship" with the coma chick. the whole film felt rushed, with little attention paid to the details of the plot, and many basic questions gone unanswered. all in all, a fairly stylish, yet unsatisfying entry into the HK horror/action genre. 5 out of 10.