During my years of gaming I have played two of the Turok games. This one and the first one. This one was the easier of the two and I was able to figure out where to go and what to do as the game was a bit less free roaming than the first game. However, I give them the same score as that one was something different when it came out and this one being so much later on the newest consoles should of blown that one out of the water which it does not. Also, while it is not as difficult as the first game, it still has a difficult portion of the game in the flying stages which is what finally made me give up playing this game along with the fact I was not exactly enjoying the first person levels all that much to endure trying to fly on a Pterodactyl's back. This is a prequel to the first game, because for some reason prequels became all the rage so instead of furthering a plot we regress. Thanks George Lucas! The game play is about the same as it was before during the regular stages where you are not forced to fly and crash repeatedly. You run around killing dinosaurs and facing other obstacles. I believe you also have to rescue some people here and that is a nice change of pace. So while it is not a grand adventure it is easier to navigate as you do not have to know to go underwater and find an opening into a cave to find a piece of something you need. Still, considering it was on a next generation platform it should of been better, much better than what we got. It had not evolved at all!