A little mysterious,... hotted up '57 Cadillac chasing the Saab in the snow, at night, after a pub brawl....hmm.
The greater part of this movie takes place within the Saab or looking at it from without. Most of this is very good stunt work and captivating to watch.
Charlie the cop was a crackup right from the moment he just helped himself to a lift with the boys in the Saab. From the minute he speaks he sounds suspicious and reminds us more than once that he is off duty and just wants to get home.
The two brothers' dialogue doesn't sound like any two brothers communicating that I've heard but maybe they're step-brothers or something. The punch-ups are magnificent and some of the recipients are mega tough. Its either that or lightweights doing the punching. When you watch a man standing over another and punching him in the face repeatedly, say maybe five or six slammers, and then the guy can get up and carry on, blood lip, nose, eye perhaps? nothing!! Not a mark. Those gridiron guys at Yale, they're something else and hey, can they drive or what?
The flaws in this movie don't get in the way and it was intriguing to watch.
My rating 7/10 (Distinctive)