Cynics may say that the movie intends to tell everyone to join the Mormon Church. The main character's decision to join or not only occurs in the first half of the movie. The rest deals with the relationship between Charly and Sam, including the arguments, hardships and tragedies that happen IN SPITE OF their faith. To me, that's what makes the movie such a good idea: sure, the main characters talk about baptism, but they do it with personality, and they never turn to the camera and say that the Mormon church is for everyone. I call that tasteful. I was especially impressed with the supporting characters, like Charly's grandmother and the fiancée. The parts were well-acted, and fleshed out the story nicely. The questions and ideas this movie proposes about life are just as difficult and commonly asked today as they were when the original book was written. While you watch the movie be sure to accept that some people actually choose to believe in something.