I'll get straight to the point; a little more than half of Ju-On 2 is footage from the first movie. That is a very, very big problem. If it was all original footage, then Ju-On 2 would easily outshine the original. What new material there is is stronger than the first one, and more original, too. But as it stands, Ju-On 2 is mostly just a rehash of the original, which is a real shame. SOme of the many questions from the convoluted story of the original are answered here, but not to a satisfying degree. I get that they were trying to make it so that you didn't have to watch the original first, but it is absolutely absurd to expect returning viewers to sit through the same stuff. Why couldn't there have been a simple opening exposition scene about the previous occurances in the house? That would've been shorter and less annoying, and we would've gotten more time for the great original content.
Honestly, I would reccomend just completely skipping over the first forty minutes if you're hot off the heels of Ju-On: the Curse. If you haven't seen the original, then I would reccomend this movie even more. Just go in with the knowledge that the movie's first half is ripped straight from the first half of Ju-On, and you'll have a good time.
Final Score: 47/100.