In the 1930s, Educational Pictures made three 'Uncle Sol' shorts and "Uncle Sol Solves It" is the final film. I have not seen the other two films, but the format of this one is supposed to be like "Judge Judy", where Uncle Sol listens to folks' stories and decides who is at fault. In reality, it turns out to be a talent show with a variety of acts, such as singers and dancers. Now, considering this is supposed to be a RADIO show we are watching, it does make you wonder how folks in radioland are enjoying dancing acts!
While such films rarely impress me, this mediocre film is well worth seeing! Why? Because one of the acts is a 7 year-old Beverly Sills...a woman who would go on to become one of the greatest opera stars of the 20th century. She's amazing for a 7 year-old singing opera...though this still isn't such a marvelous thing. But to see her when she's young and in her very first film appearance, well, that makes this one worth your time.