I can safely say Nickelodeon is NOT doing a good job trying to get new material together. And this is clean proof right here. This show, Romeo, is by far one of the stupidest lame shows Ive seen in a long while! It's all Romeo, all the time! What about Mrs. Rogers, Gary, or heck, even Percy Miller himself?! But no, we get a talentless piece of garbage we all know as Romeo! And with a whole lot of dumb phrases, sayings, and special effects as well!
But however, there is one little glimmer of light....VICTORIA JACKSON! Who is she, you ask? She's a former cast member on SNL, so you can just assume she's gonna be a barrel of laughs, and she is! She does a great job playing Mrs. Rogers, and she should get some more air time! But not even she can save this show from being a "Romeo-Fest".
Score: **/***** (And I'm being nice giving this show 2 stars!)