CUBE ZERO, the third and final instalment of the CUBE trilogy, is a prequel to the first movie that attempts to explain more of the background behind the cube installation in an interesting and entertaining way.
The writers achieve this by presenting another round of participants battling against the various traps and tribulations, which are the goriest yet; the opening death sequence is grisly in the extreme and like something out of WISHMASTER. Running concurrently with this plotting is a behind-the-scenes scenario which shows something of the men who control the cube and their reasons for doing so.
CUBE ZERO is a resolutely low-budget B-movie that gets by on genre goodwill, enthusiastic performances from a game cast and some effective special effects. Michael Riley's robo-eyed baddie is by far the most fun, but the rest of the characters work too - and, as ever, watching their interactions is a whole lot of fun.
The twist ending is particularly worthwhile as it ties into the first CUBE in a neat and surprising way. This series may not be one to set your world on fire, but as ever, CUBE is a whole lot of fun.