This is very good Montenegrian movie.It is story about love couple, who live in small apartment. They do not have apartment on their own, they are paying it to their Bosses. Nebojsa is a journalist who works to much and he asks Jelena to do everything what all Montenegrian old women does.Jelana is on university for literature and she is suspicious for Nebojsa having another woman. Of course, owners of their apartment are coming in their lives and bringing their problems to house of Nebojsa and Jelena. Nata, Dragica's and Dragoljub's daughter is a problematic child. But, most interesting thing is that, person who is re-telling this story, is a man with amnesia who doesn't know in which bathroom he fell on his head and writing is a part of his therapy. Acting is great especially from a new actress Ivona Covic(Nata) who does her job excellent. Lot of this actor's and acteresses are first time in the movie(Andrija Milosevic, Dubravka Vukotic, Ivona Covic) but most interesting thing is that this is first Marija Perovic(Director) movie and she did great job.You should see it!