I actually think I prefer the first game on the NES to this one. Sure it was no picnic and it was annoying going up that staircase, but this one is a pain. A poorly planned pain. First off, my main complaint about the game. So how many of you kids enjoyed Ghostbusters like I did? I bet a whole slew of you. What was the coolest piece of equipment they had? That is easy, the Proton Pack that shot out the coolest laser ever! The sequel would come along and during the last battle two of the ghostbusters would have this weapon and the other two the slime canisters. The slime canisters were okay, but if I was at the final battle I would want the proton pack of course. So what do we get here? We get the slime shooter, for the entire game! What? Excuse me, they did not even use it till the final battle with Viggo! Why must we as a gamer be forced to use this incredibly lame weapon instead of the trademark proton packs? Rip off! I mean, even in the only Ghostbusters game I sort of liked, the one where they had big heads for the Sega you do not really get a cool proton pack type weapon. No there, they elect to give you Contra type bullets and such. As far as game play, it is annoying, but doable. You have your driving stage that is hard as heck and side scrolling levels. They do take things out of the movie, but it just is not all that fun. Why not give you power ups so that you could use different weapons and so on. The slime gun just is not very fun to use, and this game is just not all that fun to play either.