Wrestlemania XX can't be considered as one of the best wrestlemania's that the wwe has put on, but it's safe to say that it's better than most of the ppvs that wwe has been roting our minds with. It was watchble.
John Cena vs Big Show. Us title Everybody knew that Cena was gonna be US champ. But it's was a ok, just to see cena.
Raw 4 way tag-team match Ok match with a few good moves. Still, can't deny that it was pretty boring. Plus, Booker T and RVD don't make a good tag-team. They're much better as singles wrestler.
Christian vs Chris Jericho Well worked but stupid ending. Months of working on this fued and booking a match between these 2 guys just to turn trih heel. Isn't that just plain stupid.
Rock 'n' sock vs Evolution Having Rock 'n' Sock losing to evolution really piss me off. A damn good tag-team having to lose to one of the stupidest stable in the history of wrestling. But, to my amazement, it was a pretty good match.
Playboy evening gown match The only reason i watch the match is just to kill time and to see 4 babes strip each other. I still can't give myself to put a rating of this match.
Open cruiserweight match Expected this to be good, but it sucked.
Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar Expected this one to be good aswell. How the hell did it turn to one sucky match? Well, the only good parts were when the whole crowd at MSG chanted "You sold out" and when austin give both Brock and Goldy stunners.
Smackdown 4 way tag-team match
Is it just me or do the tag team matches at WMXX really bore me. Same rating with the raw 4 way tag-team match.
Victoria vs Molly Holly I actually wanted Molly to win this match but in the end, it was vicotria going out of WMXX with the womans title. Good match with a sweet ending. Molly gettign her head shaven really shocked the crap out of me.
Eddie Guerrero v Angle
Despites angle's weak heel turn, it was a great match. I actually thought that Angle would win this cos i thought that the wwe dosen't have the faith to put the wwe chapionship title on somebody like eddie for a long period.
Undertaker vs Kane
Takers return was sweet. I don't care weather other wwe fans think that takers return was dissapointing, it was awesome. I really looked forward to this match. Decent match.
Triple threat match
I actually thought that this was gonna be a bad match where Trips would retain the title. Thanks to this match, i lost $10 betting that HHH would win. Can easily be said as one of the best match in the card. Benoit has worked hard for the company and he totally deserves winning the heavyweight title at WMXX.
I didn't lived up to all the hype made about it, butit was decent and watchble, just to kill spare time. Hopefully next years Wrestlemania would be much better.