This is an awesome show I just discovered for the first time a few days ago. I've watched the first season/volume on Amazon (via IMDB TV), so far.
I watch a *lot* of chlidren's shows, and this is one of the best, in my opinion. It has five important things:
- Love (characters who care about other people)
- Education
- Entertainment
- Culture
- Morals
It's the most educational children's show I've seen with regard to learning Spanish and English, and culture for that matter. That's not what the show focuses on, but it is a benefit.
The episodes are very creative, and have a lot packed into them (they're not shallow). There's plenty of humor.
The season I watched was clean. There were a few euphemisms in some episodes (like 'gosh' and/or 'heck'), but no foul language.
Maya is very empathetic and loving, and she seeks to help people do what they want to do.
I'm really surprised I hadn't heard people talking about this before now. It's an awesome show (and I personally enjoy watching it). I've purchased a couple seasons, and plan to purchase the rest next month.
The art is great. They capture things I've seen in real life that I haven't seen captured in a cartoon before.
My favorite episode I've watched is the second one.