Really interested in all your high end projects! I am a builder and have been learning the trade from day 1 as a Labourer twenty five years ago because I was fascinated and in awe of quality tradesmen! They were of my opinion people to look up to in those days, it seemed that quality and perfection were the order of the day's and as I learned and strived to become one of the best in my field of bricklaying , structural , groundwork, , paver, new drainage and with experience a very good general knowledge of "the building trade"
I have found that it seems to be the fashion for a new bread of so called builders that are purely clueless but know how to present themselves in a way of being experts wearing sign written clothes driving useless 4by4 pick up trucks that are spotless and useless for picking up materials , employ chancers for next to nothing and let them loose on poor unsuspecting citizens that are giving their life savings to these greedy pretentious pretenders with no regard for the the old ways of quality and respect ! Please could you run some sort of insight into one of your shows for the public that can't afford million pound builds but once in a lifetime spenders that are bled dry by these professional looking outfits that set their business up to pay slave labor and charge the clueless small fortunes and give the real hard working fair and experienced a bad name.