If you like horror watch this movie! I watched this movie by mistake, thinking it was "Red Eye" made by Wes Craven, but couldn't stop watching =) I liked this movie from the beginning...I think it's quite unique and creepy which I like. I'm a big horror movie fan and love creepy Asian movies. "Redeu-ai" got lost somewhere along the way somehow though I think. I gave me lots of hope in the beginning and middle of the film but no creepy feeling in the end and that made me a bit sad =/ It reminded me of "Dark Water". Lots of creepy scenes and not much in the end. But I still think it's worth seeing. I really don't hope the Americans try to copy this film to as the have with "The ring", "Ringu" and "Dark Water", "Honogurai mizu no soko kara". The Americans copy very good movies and make a bad version I think. Please leave "Redeu-ai" as it is Americans, I beg of you!