The hacker Josh (Jonathan Tucker) invades the computer of Douglas Ziegler (Kel O'Neil), who is developing a powerful wireless signal and accidentally releases a mysterious force that takes the will to live of the human beings, generating a suicide epidemic and increasing the force. His girlfriend and student of psychology Mattie (Kristen Bell) sees each one of their common friends die and the destruction of the modern world, and together with her new acquaintance Dexter (Ian Somerhalder), they try to plant a virus developed by Josh in the network to shutdown the system and save mankind.
The storyline of "Pulse" is very original and has potential, with the concept of wireless signal bringing some evil and lethal entity. However, the screenplay is weak, presenting characters without any previous development and making this interesting theme similar to a pilot of a TV show. The lead actress Kristen Bell is gorgeous and maybe a good actress for romantic comedies, but her face has no expression in the dramatic scenes when her friends die, or in the creepy and scary scenes, when she is attacked by the forces. Anyway, Ian Somerhalder from "Lost' has a good performance and this movie is a good entertainment. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): "Pulse"