Well, here we go with another example of slamming a religion where it's politically-correct to do so by a hypocritical filmmaker. In this case, it's the Mormon church. It's either them, the Catholics or the Protestants.....everyone else is off-limits due to "sensitivity." However, when it comes to slamming the above folks, PC goes out the window. Try doing a hatchet job like this - showing a Mormon missionary going door-to-door while at the same time he's trying to have sex with a married woman - but having a Buddhist doing it, or a Jew or Muslim. Hey, that might be "offensive," but Mormons....hey, that's okay.
Of course, this got nominated for an Academy Award. That fits in with the rest of Hollywood's secular agenda. And - no, by the way, I am NOT a Mormon, but I found this extremely offensive, and that includes the ending. The director of this film should stick to cartoons, something he's better at doing. His agenda in here, making Mormons look like fools, is obvious. What motivates a writer to do this? Hate?
I also found it laughable and typical to see another example of these secular filmmakers don't even bother to check the faiths they slam. Here, the leader is called "pastors" which Mormons do not do and, of course, the leader is shown to be some nasty hard-ass. That is so typical of these hate-filled atheists who make films. Hey guys, at least do your homework.