"Everybody Hates Chris" is another one of the best new comedies of 2005! The show is about Chris Rock's life as 13 year old and how he thought being a teenager was going to be fun when it turns out that it wasn't what he expected it to be and it shows on how he grew up in Brooklyn, New York with his younger brother and sister and his strict, hard-working parents. At first when I heard about this show I thought it was going to be a show where Chris Rock was playing a TV sitcom dad or something. It's really funny! Chris Rock is in the show but he is narrating the show while Tyler James Williams plays the 13 year old version of Chris Rock. Looks like UPN could have hit with this one. This is a hilarious show about most of Chris Rock's childhood life. At first when I read about this show before I saw ads for the show, I thought it was going to be a typical sitcom where it's based on a comedian who's a family man or something similar to any other sitcom that revolves around a comedian, but this is more original.