The movie is a double treat because it offers plenty to those (usually me) who like to nit pick at the flaws in a movie, and it also offers plenty to those who want to sit back and relax and enjoy the movie's complex plot, enjoyable characters and happy family ending (as I do for the film). To enjoy the many fine qualities of the movie, you have to shrug-off the many small absurdities and filler in the plot. For example the story tells us that the two leads are expert experienced outdoors-men and trackers, so I believe it. Thus, it doesn't bother me when I see some amateurish moves on their part — like letting some bad guys walk away from an encounter in a saloon; and being shot at in the open so many times and surviving unhurt. There are a lot of unlikely plot coincidences that I just brush off.
I know IMDb has its own method to get a rating average, but I think this film should have a higher average. I see that about 150 voters gave 6 or better, and about 75 gave it 5 or worse — so how did it end up with a 5.7 average? For me the movie is an unexpected pleasure. I agree with those who laugh at the stupid title to the movie, that has nothing to do with anything in the movie — "Desolation Canyon."