Heart-broken widower Ruth (Doris Roberts) lives alone in her big Beverly Hills house. She rejects help from her adult kids. She almost ODs and stumbles into the street. Homeless Billy (Judy Reyes) saves her but she gets arrested instead. Ruth refuses to file charges and starts insinuating into her life. Soon, her home is full of the homeless. Her daughter and neighbors are not so happy.
The problem starts with Billy running away from the cops. It would be more compelling for Billy to not run away. There are lots of little flaws which take away the power of this feel-good drama. Dallas' drug problem could be done with a darker edge. Her problem could be tied more closely with the son's problem. Once the legal issue arises, the lawyer daughter would be the obvious choice. Even if Ruth rejects her help, she should be muscling in on the case. Quite frankly, this movie is too nice and easy about the homeless problem. This is a white savior movie. In order to alleviate that, it has dwell more on her initial suicidal problem. In the end, this movie is too nice to dwell on that.