This is one of many obnoxious kids shows that rip off Spongebob, followed by Fanboy and Chum Chum, Rocket Monkeys, and Breadwinners. Coconut Fred also has the same VA as Bubsy. I didn't give this 1 star because there are way worse shows and movies out there, and the writers seem very creative with what they have Coconut Fred make appear. Then again, this can still get them some hate just for showing off how imaginative they are with their nonsense. Also, this crazy fruit salad island is more fun to watch for 13 episodes than the torture porn series named Stressed Eric.
This is worse than most modern Spongebob episodes because the whole show is about Coconut Fred making anything he thinks of appear and tortures almost everyone with his annoyance. Much like Bubsy, he also makes things go wrong for everyone except himself whenever he asks what could possibly go wrong. Everyone except the banana twins are subject to his terror. This is what Star vs. the Forces of Evil would be like if Star Butterfly was evil and used her magic to torture everyone on Earth.