This is an accurate documentary (not a reality show) that follows three bull riders across the last half of the Professional Bull Rider's tour in 2005. It provides a no-holds-barred look at the personalities, work and home life of these three extraordinary men. Profiled are J.W Hart (an American rider so indestructible he is referred to by his peers at "The Ironman"), veteran and two time Professional Bull Riders world champion Adriano Moraes (one of the most famous modern bull riders, from Brazil), and newcomer Brendan Clark (from Australia). It follows their successes, disappointments, injuries, and every aspect of their lives including their relationships with family, friends, girlfriend, wife and fiancée.
This documentary was created for TLC (The Learning Channel). Production values are high, and the ride footage combines Outdoor Life Network footage with material shot specifically for the documentary.
It's a great watch for fans, who will be familiar with these athletes, and should be fun for those already interested in bull riding. It may be too long as an introduction for those unfamiliar with bull riding, although the first episode can be enough for that audience. "Rank" ( may be a better intro for those just getting started, or those with a more casual interest.