Dabbe is truly a great Turkish horror film. As good as Hollywood-horror-flicks, even better. A f******-freaky Turkish horror film ! This film gave me a f****** fright. It truly scares your **** off, no doubt about it. I don't know what other people are talking about when they say it was stupid or bad or have other negative things to say...It is definitely not a sloppy piece of work and I think it served it's purpose very well.
This is a Turkish horror flick my brother persuaded me to check it out. I had and still have pure prejudice to Turkish films. I am biased when it comes to Turkish movies. And my brother was recommending " a horror film" ! A Turkish horror !!! We Turks can't even shoot a proper thriller let alone a horror. Well after a lot of persuasion I agreed to watch Dabbe with him.In the end I was fascinated by this film, actually I was scared stiff to tell you the truth.
Dabbe scared the sh** out of me like no other horror flick in the last years. Gives me goosebumps even when I write the name of the film. You should look at my arms, just thinking about the film has just given me the gooses. Absolutely hair-raising and freaking film. This is freaky I'm telling you that mates. It is so freaky. One of the freakiest I've ever seen.
I went to a DVDshop the next day to get this film. I was glad to see that this DVD also featured English subtitles, so I can show it to others as well. If you can order please do feel generous and get this film. It's truly great. I can guarantee that this horror film is going to make the hairs on your neck stand on end.
Visual effects as well as the well-thought story is pretty satisfying. There are tons of spooky moments, freaky voices and lots of jumpy scenes. The creepy voices and terrifying screams are perfectly done and make your hair stand on end. The only drawback and bad side of this flick is that the actors' weak performances. The acting was unfortunately not as good as the film in my humble opinion. However, it's worth watching. Perhaps it won't be the scariest horror film of all time for some of you but it will definitely make you shiver.
So, if you fancy demons, gins (djin), beings beyond comprehension, spiritual substances/beings, mental and psychological type of horror films this one's just for you then. Don't miss it out.