So many historical movies are just overbearing and a slog to get through. The Little Traitor really gives you just enough historical background for the events to serve as a backdrop for the primary story - an unlikely friendship between an Israeli boy growing up in Palestine and an English soldier trying to keep the peace.
Alfred Molina (Spider-Man 2, Chocolate, Prince of Persia) stars as Sergeant Dunlop, a kindhearted man who doesn't really fit in among his fellow soldiers and longs for home and the girlfriend he left behind. He encounters a precocious young boy named Proffy (Ido Port), who fancies himself a crusader for Israeli independence. He sees that Proffy, who has never connected with his father, needs a male influence and befriends him.
The friendship proves tricky for them both, as Dunlop's fellow soldiers are weary of the boy, and Proffy's friends end up seeing him as a traitor for befriending Dunlop. Dunlop and Proffy each grows through the adversity they face and end up stronger for it.
Molina is really fabulous in this classy, warm coming of age tale. Some might see it as a niche film for Jewish audiences only, but it tells an extremely universal story that I think would play well with anyone.