Diane and I watched this extraordinary film in Freo yesterday not far from where it reached its quiet conclusion. We were both completely absorbed in this filmed stage play meaning that the action was completed totally within the confines of a suburban train traveling through Perth from one end to another. Boring you might say and it could have easily been in the hands of less superb actors working with a far less substantial script.
I have rarely seen film that sustains visceral tension for its entire length: Pacino's Scarface did it but the overall result in my opinion was less tense than director Sims managed to sustain in this beauty. Again, in my opinion, the credit must be shared between Sims and the lead actor Steve Le Marquand. I can not say enough about Marquand's extraordinary performance. To be able to maintain a palpable sense of fear for the length of the entire movie is difficult and by so doing catapults the actor into a new realm of acting ability. Marquand had that acting ability to, in one instant act as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth and an instant later literally frighten the observer into believing that his actions include any possibility-scary stuff.
The secondary roles must be mentioned because as all artists know the canvas is nearly as important as the paint and the roles that Marquand played off could not have been better. They contributed through their own excellent acting to a canvas upon which this marvelous film could be painted.
Make every effort to see this gem-you will be amply rewarded.