What married couples know 'bout the unknowingness of the single couples is this:
- When you are single and in love, the repetition of special day memories give negative impact to your romance
+ But when you married and in love, you must repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat again, and again again and again, the past special day memories which continuously give constructive build-up to your romance
Stereotypically speaking character arcs, whether kids show or adult show, do not do the same things in a show, unless its the 1970s and we are watching The Love Boat, which I could never complete a full episode from beginning to end, reading its script or watching it from the producers' library.
Chipmunks Valentine Special has taught me many facts about the "plot vs relationship" issue on any modern day 2025 romance titles.
Comedy and Romance by themselves, are not basic film/story genres.
Comedy, to me, as a videographer, is a sprinkle. Comedy cannot construct a movie of its own, accordingly it is not a genre. But it is the best spice which any type of film/story might need.
Romance, to Janice and Ross, and learnt from them, to me, is a TITLE.
When a storyteller pitches me a romance story. I don't think of its mood, genre, or style. The only thing a romance storyteller must pitch, is the TITLE. Romance itself is the title.
So, Alvin has a dark-side in this episode. Like Anakin Skywalker archetype. Or the DON DIEGO DE LA VEGA archetype.
"Anakin Skywalker vs Don Diego De La Vega" makes a story for Alvin and Brittany.
Anakin, who causes the death of his beloved ones, his mother, his wife and finally himself. He loved himself more than all, but he causes the death of his-self due to his Narcissism.
Don Diego De La Vega, a developed Batman or Hulk, a Bruce Wayne or Bruce Banner, in a stretched character arc build-up way, must choose between his sweetheart lover girl or his local political family future.
Dark side of a good-hearted hero who commits evil deeds unwillingly, as simple as it gets, display a POND REFLECTION SCENE - the actual historical moment when. Greek prince Narcissus fall in love with his evil reflection on the river water, right before the water was washed up - gives the motivation to Alvin to get back to Brittany by quitting being the top romancer of the world.
Any romance title made to be released in 2025 or beyond, which does not have any of these merits Janice and Ross initiated and I counted above, will lose big time, in blockbustering the gross revenues.
I want to see a dark-side in every Alvin romancer (whether the female or male counterpart) why do you think audiences opt for teen Anakin and Padme's puppyhood times, when picking the top 10 romance couples of all time? This is the answer above.
I want to see a wild-rose in every Brittany counterpart (whether the male or the female counterpart) why do you think growing up girls and boys still today in 2025 love to find an ELLE WOODS or Hepburn's SABRINA? A&B type of couples are the most dynamic of all. A romance couple sharing a love box full of Tri. Nitro. Toluen, as if Road Runner falls in love with her Coyote...