"The Englishman's Boy" is a show of extreme cruelty, yet not restricted and carries no warning. Giving it to the public without warning is cruelty to the public - and even more, it is psychological abuse to the children who watch it.
Watch what? Cruelty to humans by other humans, pain, blood and death here are horrendous, and more so when you find out that it is based on real facts. But at least here, for the screen it was all feigned. The actors are all well and earned money feigning it.
Watch what? Cruelty to horses, that had been factually committed during the production of "The Englishman's Boy". This is not a documentary, therefore there is no reason and no excuse for the crude footage. It is intolerable that it had been committed in our day and age for the production of ... art.
"Mind's Eye Entertainment" prides itself for unmasking horrors that had been covered-up in the past, while getting-away with their own horrific cruelty?!