I wasn't expecting much from this due to the bad IMDb rating. I only watched it because of Cary Elwes. Unlike a lot of the films in recent years where Cary Elwes is given top billing on the poster to then only have a 10 second cameo, Psych 9 was different because he was one of the main characters and although he isn't always on screen, he is in it from beginning to end and his character is important to the story (although it may not seem that way until the end). So if you are a Cary Elwes fan like me, then your in luck because he has a lot of screen time; and he's very good. The lead actress is pretty good but struggles to carry the movie on her own being the lead actress. Thankfully Cary Elwes and Michael Biehn are there in strong supporting roles to carry the weight of the movie that she can't handle. The story is quite good, keeps you interested throughout. There are a few cheap jump scares which threaten to detract from your enjoyment of the movie, but apart from that there are some well executed creepy moments scattered throughout. The main problem with the movie is it's final act. It piles on twist after twist, and is messy and very problematic, however, it is still fun to watch and you don't feel you have wasted 90 minutes of your life after seeing it. It's just a silly ending really, but not too bad. So if you're looking for a decent straight-to-video horror movie, then check out Psych 9 if you've nothing better to watch. Its fun while it lasts, won't stick with you, but also won't ruin you're life.