Given that I've seen the pilot, but not the final product, my impression of this show is that it's funny, well written and executed, with an appropriate cast.
So often with sit-com shows, the writers assume the audience is uneducated; so the more recent shows reflect this assumption and play to the lowest common denominator. But, we aren't idiots, and the GAGS writers see this. Instead of dragging down our literacy in this country, (most folks watch an average of 6 hrs of TV per day), GAGS writers try to lift us while they have our attention and hope to incite refreshing laughs at the same time! It's a tough gap to bridge, but it seems to me they're up for the challenge! As far as the cast and how they each perform, I think they do an appropriate job based on the genre of GAGS. I believe this is the goal of any show. That being said, we all have target rich areas which most of us work on daily; these cast members are no different. Each cast member is as sensitive to input as anybody, but they try to receive it well and they all work diligently to improve upon those targets while remaining professional about their work. In referencing Janien Valentine, I've seen her perform as well as act, and I can say, hands down, she's incredibly talented! She works diligently to improve daily in all areas, and is her own worst critic, as any good performer is. I strongly feel she adds a more than appropriate quality and dimension to the GAGS team. Keep up the great work folks! Be strong and Positive!