Though I don't remember when it is, L had watched this short movie. Maybe I was a junior high school student. I found this movie was funny when I watched it the first time. Now, I can enjoy watching it enough. In the movie, at first, a swing shakes by itself. I thought "Is this movie a horror movie?" at first. However, it is wrong. This movie is comedy. It is presented by Pixar. The whole movie is made by 3D animation and characters are so cute and attractive. They are very friendly. And the story is humorous. There are many comical scenes in only 5 minutes. i didn't get tried of it. It is a quintessential Pixar movie. Also, what I think funny is the last scene. I think, usually, in a movie, animation and TV program, the credit roll runs at the end of the movie when all programs finish. However, in this movie, credit roll is used effectively as part of the story. It is my favorite point of this movie.