There are five possible endings and two levels of the movie.
The first level is science fiction, ie. fiction based on science. Scientists do comment the different possible scenarios: Super tsunami, super eruption, meteor collision, virus outbreak and strangelet creation. Most of these happenings do not lead to the end of the world, some of them are displayed actually in very mild manner (like the meteoric impact which would be way way more devastating that displayed). But never worry, it is worthy of your time anyway.
The second level is pure scifi, ie. story about the man who wakes every day to experience another end of the world. The parallel stories are actually very well connected and it is extremely enjoyable. You can even see these little details like references to dinosaurs in meteorite plot. I would say this was done better that many "real" scifi movies. It worked for me, I really enjoyed it several times. I could watch another set of scenarios, maybe even darker ones.
Way to go, BBC, great work!