The comparison is fateful - for better (as "unavoidable") and worse (as "suicidal"). The main fault lays in the characters (none has the perverse charm of Gondorff and Hooker) and in those parts of the script that depict the heists (not by far as ingenious as in the best movies of the genre, but neither as hair-pulled and flat as in the "Ocean..." series). Fortunately, the direction is fast-paced and stylish, so this saves the day more or less. And... okay, I won't spoil the ending, but one thing should be stated: it's totally unlikely. You do NOT pull such an elaborate farce, ONLY to send (...) screaming in a motor boat without fuel in the middle of the Mediterranean.
Further, the perpetual use of the trick "I'm not who you thought me to be" is hugely abused of, reminding rather of "The Pirates of the Caribbean". What really stands is the sparkling direction and the old-fashioned style, nostalgically recalling the end of the Seventies. For such a merry flick, it's positively refreshing.