I'm going to be honest with you, it's bad, it's really bad, this entire project was trash. Wish this could be rated negatively.
The animation began nice I guess in the first couple of episodes but for Athena was it horrible in the other resting episodes since no one really cared about this horrible project nor it's crappy manga, no one really watched it and it started with a small budget to start, 2/10 on the animation.
Voice acting wasn't bad nor was it good it's a 5/10 really.
Story doesn't make sense at all from a "saintia academy" were they train to the concept of a saintia all the way to the boring showdown, the woman who created this doesn't know how to be original, creative and different that's good she just knows how to copy Masami Kurumada's masterpiece of work from everything absolutely everything he did, she just copy and pasted it changing it to a girly way were they use skirts and girly colors with techniques that remind you of Sailor Moon, actually this entire trash project is basically a ripoff of Sailor Moon in every aspect, she just mixed Saint Seiya and Sailor moon with her horrible homunculus version and mix of it. Even the manga is boring and horrible just like it's "anime". The "showdown" doesn't feel like a showdown it feels like on other one of there boring fights, lacking important story drama or Melo drama at least, development and moments you can connect with, the excitement and adventure with emotion but this "showdown" along with the series was just boring and dry. This also feels like a little Saint Seiya fangirl with crushes on the characters made a really really bad fanfic with girly girls in it along with putting thots in it... oh wait it is. 1/10 on "story".
Characters with no character development, there very boring with no backstory nor purpose why they want to protect Athena and become a saint, they don't make you want to get into them and explore there character at all its just dull and gerneric ones that the creator copied from Masami Kurumada's manga and anime characters. They act like girly girls really. The author just paired up most of her girls to a Gold Saint or some other masculine figure to fulfill her fanfic wishes, it's and insult and a disgrace.
Music and soundtrack was like the voice acting, neither good nor bad, opening and ending theme were uninspiring and boring, 4/10 on music and soundtracks.
Canon? No, absolutely not canon since Masami Kurumada didn't exactly create it nor did he write it at all. So we must be glad its not canon.
Overall it's really bad like I said, it's a just... garbage. 0/10 being honest.