The problem with this movie is that it is corny. The script is very ordinary, so much so that you get a strong sense of deja vu with every word spoken. It's as if it was written by a paint by numbers manual for screenwriters. The leads do their best with the material. The lesser stars are wooden. The plot seems a little deja vu too, although the overall concept is far more convincing for a movie idea: three good-looking young men with their fast, modern small aircraft, embark on a high-octane adventure. And indeed, the flight sequences are riveting, sufficiently thrilling and populous to ensure that most will happily get through the movie, though without becoming engaged or excited. I can't think of too many other movies that involve precisely three pilots working together in a very high-tech game, although there are of course movies involving daring flights. With a better zest for movie-making this piece could easily have competed with the tv show Animal Kingdom or the movie Point Break. Two or three of the actors have the lustre but are given no opportunity to shine (including the bad guy). I also found the dial on morality here to be chronically downplayed, a blow to believability. There is an initial scenario that impressed me a little, being comic and gritty at the same time, but this wasn't a good indicator of how the movie was to track, indeed, it was only to introduce a couple of very minor players. Further attempts at humour were bland. The soundtrack was modern, and in this at least, somewhat creative. This would be a good idea for a movie to revisit if someone could spend the time to up the tension and unpredictability. Super fast planes alone was not enough.