It is no secret that when I sat down to watch the 2021 horror movie "The Exorcism of God", I was figuring this would be just another run-of-the-mill exorcism movie. You know, the ones that come a dime a dozen, and usually have questionable special effects and end up being subpar movies. But still, I opted to watch this movie from writers Santiago Fernández Calvete and Alejandro Hidalgo, as it was a horror movie that I hadn't already seen.
And I am glad that I did watch it, because director Alejandro Hidalgo managed to take the written script and storyline and turned it into a rather wholesome and surprisingly nice exorcism movie. I was pleasantly surprised with the level of entertainment that the director brought to the screen. And it was a refreshing change of pace in narrative for an exorcism movie.
I was especially impressed with the special effects in "The Exorcism of God". The special effects teams brought the visuals to the screen in a very good manner. Especially the effects on the possessed women was amazing. I loved that touch of detail in the movie. It just added a whole layer of atmosphere and demonic possession to the movie.
I was for the majority of the cast ensemble not familiar with the faces on the screen. In fact, the only one I recognized here was Joseph Marcell. It should be said that actor Will Beinbrink, playing Father Peter Williams, was really superbly cast for this movie and for that particular role, as he carried the movie phenomenally well with his performance.
If you enjoy exorcism movies, then you most definitely should sit down to watch "The Exorcism of God" if you get the chance. I was genuinely entertained and more than pleasantly surprised with the entire movie.
My rating of "The Exorcism of God" lands on a seven out of ten stars.