Elizabeth Ito, the creator of this show, also made the Welcome to My Life pilot for Cartoon Network. It was a very calming pilot, with a mockumentary style, improvised dialogue, and a unique, claymation-like CGI animation style.
Welcome to My Life was rejected, but Ito created City of Ghosts instead, which is a lot like Welcome to My Life in a lot of ways. The young child actors adlib their dialogue, with stutters, mumbles, and losing their train of thought, which gives it a home-movie feel. The whole show is like a documentary, with our young characters interviewing people around Los Angeles, to find ghosts and learn how various diverse cultures shaped Los Angeles, in particular, many BIPOC cultures.
All of our main characters are people of color, and one of them, Thomas is non-binary (they also have a trans voice actor). Many snobby elitists in the cartoon community want every show to be plot-driven, drama-heavy, and have a ton of ships for the fandom to argue over. City of Ghosts is more episodic, and is more of a slice of life show with supernatural elements, and a calming atmosphere.
Indeed, the animation is beautiful. Especially the backgrounds, which look like paintings. If you just want to relax, put on this show.