This movie has one great premise and it deals very good with it. It is a movie that builds up slow, but does have a punch behind it. Since I hadn't read the outline (summary line or whatever you want to call it) of the movie, as always, I didn't know what to expect other than I was expecting a drama (and that was just a guess because of the name of the movie).
Boy was I in for a surprise. Slow it might be and therefor something that quite a few people might not appreciate/love/can deal with. But if you let the movie sink in and let it have an effect on you, you will be able to see quite a bit. Still it's not flawless and might have done with a tighter script. But all in all its a good movie with a concept that might be able to make you think even after the movie is over (though I do think it might work better as a novel)