The Secret History of 9/11 (2006)
*** 1/2 (out of 4)
This documentary takes a look at the build up to 9/11 and various things that happened, which allowed the terrorists into this country and able to board a plane and do the destruction that they did. This documentary starts off with the World Trade Center bombing from 1993 and then covers the next eight years leading up to 9/11.
There have been countless documentaries about 9/11 and this one here is certainly one of the better ones and especially since it's main focus are on the years leading up to it. It's really amazing to look back and see how much was missed going all the way back to the Clinton administration including their chance at killing Bin Laden but rejecting it fearing that innocent people might be killed in the process.
There are interviews with several people connected to the events of that day including a couple fighter pilots as well as men connected to the government. Their stories are certainly highly interesting and even frustrating when you hear them talk about the various things that were done incorrectly that day and how lives probably could have been saved.