Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal is the continuation of the Sailor Moon Crystal series and is a direct adaptation of the Dream Arc of the original Manga. Like most of Crystal; it follows the Manga very faithfully but there are some changes that mostly work out for the better. In the Manga the weapons "spoke"; it would have been a little cheesy for that to be pulled off even though that as a lifelong Sailormoon fan, even I can admit.
The animation is a huge improvement from Season III. Although some of the original 1995 Transformation and Attack scenes were more polished; they certainly looked better than last earlier seasons. The Moon Crisis Make Up sequence is not as polished and somewhat glamorous but the music is better.
The subtitles are mostly accurate; I was hoping that they would have been as accurate as Netflix did with Neon Genesis Evangelion; but oh well...
The film is two parts and the total running time is 140 minutes.
There is no pacing issues, in my opinion. If you were disappointed in the earlier episodes of Crystal, Eternal may bring back faith for a very likely adaption to the Stars Arc.
Rated TV-14 for Fantasy Violence.