ONE GOOD THING: To the casual Kevin Smith fan, this collection of "blue" stories and gossip-y musings, recorded on the director's 37th birthday, will cause massive chuckles and give insight into the absurd world of Hollywood movie making.
ANOTHER GOOD THING: The third in a series of packaged Question and Answer sessions, this particular installment is slightly more entertaining than "Evening 2: Evening Harder," yet not quite as broad in scope or topics as the original and very watchable, "An Evening with Kevin Smith."
EVEN ANOTHER GOOD THING: Kevin Smith's charm and comedic story telling ability make most of his recollections mistake-able for stand-up comedy routines, as well as causing nearly 5 hours (not the "over 5," the packaging claims) to disappear with a wide smile.
ONE BAD THING: Due to much of Smith's life being accessible to his fans through websites, "smodcasts," commentaries, and printed/online diaries, he unfortunately plagiarizes himself and forces his die-hard fans to double pay for the same stories.
OTHER ENJOYABLE MOVIES LIKE IT: An Evening with Kevin Smith (2002), An Evening with Kevin Smith 2: Evening Harder (2006), Swimming to Cambodia (1987), This Filthy World (2006)