This fun, entertaining, and even educational comedy-drama evolves just in the way good comedy-drama naturally grows and evolves. The principal naïve female character is klutzy and naïve and will eventually come of age in this what becomes a rather fascinating rather in-depth introduction to tuna farming in Japan. Usually these sort of comedy dramas have a way of becoming unbalanced in their presentation of drama and humor. But the experience of Tuna Girl there is something acceptably transforming in how the comedy and drama present themselves throughout the movie. What is quite satisfying in this to be expected, predicable movie is how it is accomplished with the direction and acting performances, especially by the tuna girl played by Fûka Koshiba. Without the usual romance element, though there are some indirect subplots, surprisingly there is actually more substance and captivating focus to this simple comedy drama that lifts it up from a majority of movies in its genre. A quite satisfying, informative, and enjoyable.