"Billion Dollar Heist" is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the intricate world of high-stakes financial crime. The documentary combines interviews with experts, surveillance footage, and reenactments to piece together the complex stories behind these daring robberies. It explores the methods, and consequences of these crimes, shedding light on the mindset of the perpetrators.
But. While "Billion Dollar Heist" is a compelling documentary, it does have some negative aspects worth noting:
The documentary occasionally revisits the same information or anecdotes, which can lead to a feeling of redundancy. This repetition can make the viewing experience less engaging, particularly for those looking for a more streamlined narrative.
Also, while the documentary does an admirable job of explaining the basics of the cyber heist crimes, it may leave more knowledgeable viewers craving a deeper dive into the intricacies of these heists. It could benefit from more in-depth analysis.
I will rate this 6/10.