Kid: Isn't it true that sniffing glue can damage your liver and kidneys?
Playground Pusher: Cool it, kid. Look here: amphetamines. Bennies, dexies, meth...
Kid: They say amphetamines can cause something like schizophreme.
Playground Pusher: Schizophrenia. In most cases, it does not last. Cool it, kid. Now for the barbs--nico and nice, easy downers.
Kid: Withdrawal from barbiturates can cause convulsions.
Playground Pusher: Will you convulse yourself outta here? Grass! Anything wrong with pot?
Kid: They're not sure yet; they just started studying about it.
Playground Pusher: Worrywart. Dig, everybody: L-S-D.
Kid: Bad trips, and a chance of chromosome damage.
Playground Pusher: How do you know you *got* chromosomes?