Now i'm not going to say this film was a classic or something you will want to watch over and over. What I can say about this film is that it was very surprising and offbeat despite the way the film was promoted.
Bandslam promoting take 2. Like the film Bandslam headlined by Disney stars, this film suffers from a lack of realistic advertising. Basically the film you think your going to see, you aren't. Bandslam was not a Disney film so much as a quirky teen comedy about diversity and the unification of those otherwise lone wolves for a greater cause.
Post Grad is essentially a film about a girl, Alexis Bledel, whose ideas of life post grad come crashing down around her when she realizes it isn't as she assumed it would be. Finding a job is much tougher then expected, and it doesn't help that she is unqualified, but over confident.
The film delves a little deeper with a lot of little subplots ranging from cute to over the top and strange, grandmother shopping for her own coffin.
The film was pretty offbeat and not as mainstream slapstick as it comes off in the trailers. It is a semi realistic film and Alexis does the best I have seen her do since Season one of Gilmore Girls. While she isn't Meryl Streep she plays the role of Ryden with great presence.
I thoroughly enjoyed the film and think that if it had better promoting and was targeted also at indie film fans, this film had the potential to be a hit.
Jane Lynch is also really great in the film, serving her character dutifully. Overall I was surprised and enjoyed the film, despite the negative reviews it has received.
This isn't a plant review FYI, check my posting history if you will, I saw the film, and enjoyed it. I would give it a chance. It's a fun light film, perfect to take your mind off the current state of economy and Swine Flu worries floating about.
A fun, fun film. Check it out!