You know, when you like the franchise, you enjoy watching some new digimons animated and some mechanics being used like digimon geting more than one evolution line. This shows explore some old things like experimenting with them but wih no too much more planning than nostalgia or fanservice (in a non sexual way). Bad news is that it uses "Adventure" name with that goal and I know is a reboot and it should be distant but one thing is being different and another one is to be somehing completely far from the original, wich is not bad at all if you call it wih another name so you have nothing to compare with. Besides that, as an individual product, music's okay, it has big argumental issues and they could have put more love in animation and character development, It lacks of spirit and cliffhangers are really poor. There are some rescueable chapters with its own plot wich work apart from the main story wich are only disturbed by a main character that needs atention all the time. If you want to see forgotten digimons animated, some pokemon-like chapters wich only work without the main story, and some forgotten evolution mechanics used again, watch it, but with no more expectations than that..